miercuri, 8 septembrie 2010

Cap ou pas-cap?

"J'ai dit cap."
"Oui..je dois jouer."
"Tu dois??Mais pour quoi?"
"Parce que...je ne sais pas..."
And so I realized..I do not know what I want.One thing I know for sure.I'm tired of games.
I'm tired of chasing happiness...

"Nu te mai recunosc.."
"Nici eu nu ma mai recunosc..:-j"

"Criza de personalitate?" "Astenie de toamna?"...Bullshit! As I was saying.Astea sunt doar niste scuze stupide inventate de oameni pentru ca le era prea lene sa incerce sa-si dea seama ce se intampla defapt.sau poate prea frica...who knows?
I'm not afraid..or maybe I am..And perhaps that's why I keep telling myself "It's just a bad day...bad week..bad month..bad summer.."

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