1.Caroline is Blondie :))
2.She loves her friends
3.Blondie hates this game.
4.She will OFFICIALLY show this to Neuronless =))
5.When she laughs she makes other people laugh..I have noooo idea why.:-"
6.Caroline likes sushi.
7.She effing hates stupid people.
8.Caroline was born 15 years ago.I think it was...the 2nd of August?
9.Unfortunately,she is a facebook addict X_X
10.She is happy that she wrote 10 things.[Only 89 left :-j]
11.Blondie loves when other people call her blondie :)).
12.She looooooves her English teachers [NOT]
13.She wakes up at 6 in the mornin'.[straight face]
14.She doesn't know what she wants.yet.
15.She wants to become a lawyer..or a doctor..[actress actually..]
16.Caroline falls in love with the wrong people.Always :-j
17.She hates Hachi for this.
18.She likes music.
19.And scary movies.
20.And funny movies.
21.She loves tv series too.like...true blood ;))
22.And gossip girl.
23.She wants to go to London <3.And Paris.And of course New York.
24.She is too childish sometimes.
25.Sometimes she's "so much older that she can take.."
26.She loves French.Even if most of her friends hate it.
27.Caroline is selfish sometimes.
28.And even if she seems strong..she can cry.and that's really annoying :-l
29.She scared Hachi when they first met =))
30.She likes to read.
31.Summer is her favorite season.
32.She is happy 'cause she met a lot of new people and made a loooot of new friends.
33.Caroline loves coffee.And tea.[:X]
34.And she doesn't understand why she has to talk about herself at 3rd pers.:))
35.Blondie LOVES music.[Do not understand "Manele" or other crap.]
35.She adores House M.D.
36.Caroline is OBSESSED with Johnny Depp <33
37.And she loves his movies.
38.She likes Wuthering Heights.
38.Caroline likes "Eau Demoiselle" de Givency.
39.Blondie is really tired...
40.And she wants to sleep.
41.She took piano lessons.But she was too idiot so she quit.
42.That was one of the most stupid things she's ever done.
42.She went to Russia.And she loved it.Though it was cold.. :-s
43.She hates this list.
43.Blondie has a dog.Which has been bit by another dog.But it's ok now.
44.It's a chiwawa :))
45.She loves blue eyes.
46.She has blue eyes.Ok,maybe sometimes they're green..whatever..8-|
47.She loves some of her new colleagues.
48.And her highschool "Mihai Viteazul".[Not]
49.She'd like to go to U.S.A...maybe Yale..Or Princeton..or maybe Dartmouth [riiiight..UNATC actually]
50.Or here in this awful country where they stole Ana's purse.:|
51.Caroline is happy when she's got money.:))
52.She knows that was very superficial.
53.She loooves theatre.
54.She wanted to become an actress once..
55.But she figured that it's not worth it.
56.And it hurt.
57.But she knows that time passes.And so does her dream.
58.She always seems to be happy.But she's not.Not always.
59.Someone told her that he loves her when she's happy.
60.And she has to be happy.Because she wants him to love her.
61.She can be so foolish sometimes.
62.But Hachi always makes her laugh.And Xim.And Lucy.And Ana.And Aan.And of course Neuronless:)).And many other people that she loves.
63.Blondie loves candy.
64.And sugar,of course.
65.She's arguing with her father daily.It's his fault.
66.Sometimes Caroline is hanging out in some weird though nice clubs from Bucharest.
67.She started to think that she has a double personality..:-?
68.Like Jekyll and Hyde..
69.She is awkward sometimes.
70.Caroline looooves Converse.<3
71.Did I mention that she likes to sing?
72.She loves purple.And turquoise.And black of course.
73.And weird stuff.
74.Oh,and blondie loves Regina Spektor.
75.Samson actually.And The Call.And Apres Moi <3.
76.She wants to finish this shit.now!:))
77.Caroline thinks "Twilight" is a piece of crap.
78.And she hates the species called "pitipoance & cocalari".
79.She is sadistic.
80.And she likes to imagine them burning >:).
81.No more sadism.She wants a holiday.
82.Oh,btw.Blondie loves Harry Potter.like..Twilight sucks.Hp rules :)
83.She has to go to sleep.
85.And she has to do her history homeworks..
86.She finds that sooooo boring.[so she won't do it.]
87.Caroline wants her voice back.:(
88.Yep.She is hoarse.
89.She is sure that nobody will read this thing :))
90.She wouldn't.She's too lazy :-j
91.She shouldn't smoke.
92.And she won't do this anymore..at least not daily ;))
93.She is proud.She wrote all this by herself.She deserves a nobel.
93.She wants the Christmas holidays.[Presents,doooh!]
94.She wants a "Me to you" bear :(.
95.Caroline shouldn't drink.:">..when she drinks..well it's not good :))
96.She misses some people..
97.She wants to go to London or Paris for 3 months and kill some people.
98.She is so fucked up right now..
99.But tomorrow she will be happy.'Cause he wants to.right?:)
And this crap goes to...Neuronless of course >:).Ana,Aan and Vlaaad >:)
luni, 27 septembrie 2010
miercuri, 8 septembrie 2010
Cap ou pas-cap?

"J'ai dit cap."
"Oui..je dois jouer."
"Tu dois??Mais pour quoi?"
"Parce que...je ne sais pas..."
And so I realized..I do not know what I want.One thing I know for sure.I'm tired of games.
I'm tired of chasing happiness...
"Nu te mai recunosc.."
"Nici eu nu ma mai recunosc..:-j"
"Criza de personalitate?" "Astenie de toamna?"...Bullshit! As I was saying.Astea sunt doar niste scuze stupide inventate de oameni pentru ca le era prea lene sa incerce sa-si dea seama ce se intampla defapt.sau poate prea frica...who knows?
I'm not afraid..or maybe I am..And perhaps that's why I keep telling myself "It's just a bad day...bad week..bad month..bad summer.."
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